How has the Chief Product Officer role evolved in the past decade?

How has the Chief Product Officer role evolved in the past decade?

The role of the Chief Product Officer (CPO) has undergone significant evolution over the past decade, reflecting broader shifts in the business landscape, technological advancements, and changing market demands. This evolution can be observed across several dimensions, including the role's scope, the background and skills required, the industries in which CPOs are prevalent, and the strategic importance of the position within organisations.

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Product is the Business and the Business is Product: Why Product Thinking is the Growth Engine of Today

Product is the Business and the Business is Product: Why Product Thinking is the Growth Engine of Today

Welcome to the Product Age. Gone are the days when companies could coast by on a single good idea. Today's market demands constant innovation, deep customer understanding, and a laser focus on building products that solve real problems. This is where the mantra "Product is the business and the business is Product" comes alive.

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Dismantling the Myths of Product Marketing

Dismantling the Myths of Product Marketing

Product Marketing is a critical driver of growth and success. However, there are many myths and misconceptions surrounding this field which is - by default - half of one thing and half of another. In this article, I will debunk these myths and shed light on the importance of getting your Product Marketing strategy right, sticking to it, harnessing the power of storytelling, crafting a firm narrative, and understanding where Product Marketing should sit in your company.

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